Knife Maker
- B
- Eddie J. Baca
- Gary Barnes
- Van Barnett
- Scott Barry
- Butch and Judy Beaver
- Ray Beers
- Donald Bell
- Roger Bergh
- Ron Best
- Ronald Best
- Uwe Beyer
- Neil Blackwood
- Patriot Bladewerx
- Phil Boguszewski
- Phil Booth
- Dennis Bradley
- Bailey Bradshaw
- Tim Britton
- David Broadwell
- Harold Brown
- Thad Buchanan
- Michael Burch
- Dan Burke
- Jack Busfield
- Bowen USA
- C
- RC Campbell
- Peter Carey
- Kit Carson
- Dr. Fred Carter
- Dianna Casteel
- Doug Casteel
- Frank Centofante
- Joel Chamblin
- Robert Champion
- Howard Clark
- Bob Conley
- Lamont Coombs
- Jerry Corbit
- Ray Cover
- Don Cowles
- Colin Cox
- Pat Crawford
- Kevin Cross
- Jim Crowell
- Roy Cutchin
- D
- Dan Dagget
- George Dailey
- Alex Daniels
- TAD Dauntless
- Barry Davis
- Harvey Dean
- Dellana
- Dan Dennehy
- JD Van Deventer
- Frank Dilluvio
- Laurent Doussot
- Rick Dunkerley
- Steve Dunn
- Duane Dwyer
- F
- Horton Fellhoelter
- Brian Fellhoelter
- Josh JN Fisher
- Jeff Flannery
- Joe Flournoy
- Brian Flud
- Antonio Fogarizzu
- Don Fogg
- Ed Fowler
- Aaron Frederick
- Dennis Friedly
- Larry Fuegen
- Stan Fujisaka
- G
- Barry Gallagher
- Scott Gallagher
- Ron Gaston
- HiTex Gear
- Rick Genovese
- Gerber
- Randall Gilbreath
- Melvin Gurganus
- Johan Gustafsson
- K. Guth
- H
- Doc Hagen
- Lloyd Hale
- Shaun and Sharla Hansen
- Royal Hanson
- Koji Hara
- Larry Harley
- Ralph Dewey Harris
- Larry Hendricks
- Jay Hendrickson
- Michael Henningsson
- William Henry
- Wayne Hensley
- Tim Herman
- William Herndon
- George Herron
- Tom Sterling and Dr. J.P. Higgins
- Howard Hitchmough
- Steve Hoel
- Anders Hogstrom
- D'Alton Holder
- Des Horn
- Jess Horn
- John Horrigan
- Glenn Are Hovin
- Durvyn Howard
- K
- Kelly Kozlow Larry Holden
- Werner Kaluza
- Japanese Keiun
- Gary Kelley
- Lance Kelly
- Kemal
- Jot Singh Khalsa
- Bill King
- Peter Kinney
- Joe Kious
- Jason Knight
- Knott Knives
- Crawford Knives
- Klotzli Knives
- Shirogorov Knives
- Forg Knives
- Dietmar Kressler
- Tsuguo Kurosawa
- Knife Care Supplies
- L
- John Le Blanc
- Laguiole Laguiole
- Rick Lala
- Manu Laplace
- Alex LeCocq
- J Lee
- Tommy Lee
- Mathew Lerch
- Jimmy Lile
- Wolfgang Loerchner
- Bob Loveless
- Don Lozier
- Gail Lunn
- Brian Lyttle
- M
- Anthony Marfione
- Tom Maringer
- Bench Mark
- Jim Martin
- Peter Martin
- Kansei Matsuno
- Scott Matsuoka
- Tom Mayo
- Jerry McAlpin
- Lloyd McConnell
- Ken McFall
- Bill McHenry
- Andrew McLurkin
- Mardi Meshejian
- Microtech
- Jim Minnick
- Elton Misner
- Harold Moeller
- Claude Montjoy
- Morakniv
- Atillio Morotti
- Charlie Morris
- David Mosier
- Jody Muller
- O
- Olamic Cutlery
- Charles Ochs
- Milford Oliver
- Stephen Olszewski
- Ken Onion
- Letter Opener
- Warren Osborne
- Keith Ouye
- Jason Overall
- Tom Overeynder
- Chris Owen
- P
- Pocket Knife
- Mel Pardue
- Cliff Parker
- W.D. Pease
- Nico Pelzer
- Lloyd Pendleton
- Alfred Pendray
- Maximiliano Pescie
- Eldon Peterson
- David F. Pitt
- Leon Pittman
- R
- Jerry Rados
- Jim Ragsdale
- Vernie Reed
- Dale Reif
- Terry Lee Renner
- Zaza Revishvili
- Ron Richard
- Scott Richter
- Dave Ricke
- Bertie Rietveld
- Willie Rigney
- David Roeder
- Bill Ruple
- Josef Rusnak
- S
- Red St. Cyr
- Collaboration Between Scott Sawby and Steve Mullin
- Bill Saindon
- Mike Sanders
- Larry Sandlin
- Scott Sawby
- Don Fogg & Murad Sayen
- William Scagel
- Juergen Schanz
- George Schepers
- Steve Schwarzer
- Jim Serven
- Eugene Shadley
- David Sharp
- Doc Steve Shiffer
- Andy Shinosky
- Bill Simons
- Jim Siska
- Steven Skiff
- John W. Smith
- Ralph Smith
- Josh Smith
- Ron Smith
- Arthur Sopera
- Jim Sornberger
- Ray Cover Sr
- Stapal
- Ken Steigerwalt
- Jurgen Steinau
- Mark Steinbrecher
- George Young Stellite
- Sterlingwerx
- Chuck Stewart
- Ken Stigerwalt
- Japanese Style
- Mattias Styrefors
- Shirogorov/Sinkevick collaboration
- T
- Seiichi Tasaki
- Shane Taylor
- Bob Terzuola
- Andre Thorburn
- Toni Nikolas Tietzel
- PJ Tomes
- Tosaki
- William Tuch
- Jim Turecek